Harnessing the Power of Brand Narrative for your Business

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND & STRATEGY BACK TO POSTS HARNESSING THE POWER OF BRAND NARRATIVE FOR YOUR BUSINESS Uberbrand on 8/12/2023 “Discover what a solid story can do for your brand. It’s about consistency, differentiation, opportunity and stability.” All right, time for a story. And today’s story is about […]

Targus & Uberbrand

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / NEWS BACK TO POSTS TARGUS & UBERBRAND Uberbrand on 9/03/2018 “Global technology and mobile carry solutions company, Targus have appointed uberbrand to its first Australia and New Zealand agency roster.” In order to realign itself to a changing market landscape, Targus has appointed in total five […]

Faking It

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND & STRATEGY BACK TO POSTS FAKING IT Uberbrand on 13/02/2018 “uberbrand senior strategy manager, Emily Seay, ponders on the importance of brand experiences.” Before I begin this post, I must confess to some behaviour that is generally frowned upon. This is the first time I’ve […]

4 Signs Your Visual Identity Needs a Makeover

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / CREATIVE & DESIGN BACK TO POSTS 4 SIGNS YOUR VISUAL IDENTITY NEEDS A MAKEOVER Uberbrand on 22/11/2023 “A brand’s visual identity plays an important role in expressing how you’d like your business perceived.” That’s because brand is a perception held in the mind of your audience. […]

How to Create a Powerful Brand Name

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND & STRATEGY BACK TO POSTS HOW TO CREATE A POWERFUL BRAND NAME Uberbrand on 25/11/2023 “Naming your brand can be a big decision, after all it’s a moniker that your business will wear for the foreseeable future. There are many factors to consider. Is it […]

Why Marketing is Everyone’s Business

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND & STRATEGY BACK TO POSTS WHY MARKETING IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS Uberbrand on 4/10/2017 “We now live in a world where the customer is the beating heart, driving brands, both big and small, to rethink the way they engage their customers and the role its employees […]

What do people really think about your brand?

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND & STRATEGY BACK TO POSTS WHAT DO PEOPLE REALLY THINK ABOUT YOUR BRAND? Uberbrand on 3/10/2017 “If you asked 10 people that know you to describe what your brand stands for, what would they say?” A brand positioning has been best described as a ‘place […]


Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND BACK TO POSTS BACHELOR’S HANDBAG ANYONE?? Uberbrand on 3/10/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1e0apyGASc “Do you reckon language is dying or evolving? Some words lose their meaning & potency, while new phrases are emerging.” On one side, there’s the drone of #CORPORATESPEAK – ‘strategy,’ ‘bandwidth,’ & ‘leverage’ are so overused they’ve […]

Anti-Design… is it a flash in the pan or can it be a long-term design language?

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / CREATIVE & DESIGN BACK TO POSTS ANTI-DESIGN… IS IT A FLASH IN THE PAN OR CAN IT BE A LONG-TERM DESIGN LANGUAGE? Uberbrand on 19/5/2024 “Anti-design is recognisable through the use of bold flat colors, asymmetric layouts, and unconventional formatting. Other hallmarks include a disregard for […]

Bachelor’s handbag anyone??

Services Case Studies Insights About Contact X INSIGHTS / BRAND BACK TO POSTS BACHELOR’S HANDBAG ANYONE?? Uberbrand on 25/1/2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1e0apyGASc “Do you reckon language is dying or evolving? Some words lose their meaning & potency, while new phrases are emerging.” On one side, there’s the drone of #CORPORATESPEAK – ‘strategy,’ ‘bandwidth,’ & ‘leverage’ are so overused they’ve […]