Build Your Brand Architecture Strategy
It’s one of the most effective brand expansion exercises out there. So why does it seem so hard to make the right choices?
Brand architecture is important because it simplifies the structure of brands within your business by clarifying their relationship growth potential.
We offer a range of architecture services, as you can see below.
Why do you do what you do?
Identify your primary brand and how it affects smaller brands.
How does your primary brand interact with brand extensions?
Define your audience and how
they see you.
Do your different sub-brands appeal to diverse audiences?
Allow your main brand to lend validity to sub-brands.
Maintain your connection with your current audience in new markets.
Identify which product and service brands are appropriate for each sub-brand.
Customers tend to value loyalty. Let’s make it easier for them.
Keeping brand equity intact while merging multiple brands.
Identify where in your corporate structure new brands best fit.
Set up each brand under your umbrella for success.
We have years of experience delivering countless effective brand strategies.
We strive to understand your audience to know how best to approach them.
Clarify your business goals and where your branding approach fits in.
88 percent of consumers say that authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support.
46 percent of consumers say that they would pay more to purchase from brands they can trust.
80 percent of consumers say that using a signature colour can increase brand recognition.
0.05 seconds
It takes about 0.05 seconds for people to form an opinion about your website.
2/3 of businesses say brand consistency has contributed to revenue growths of at least 10%.
3 in 4
3 in 4 customers say transparent communication from brands has become more important after the pandemic.
Level 7, Suite C,
140 William Street
Woolloomooloo NSW
2011 Australia
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